
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Three Reinforcing Activities

There are quite a few scriptures that I am always trying to find, but never can quite remember the reference.  I wish I had them memorized!  Time to start solving that problem!  I have picked out 12 scriptures that correlate with the 12 principles and I have printed them up on small bookmarks for the students to keep in their scriptures.  (I made extra for when one gets lost!)  At the beginning of each lesson (except fast Sunday, which is when I will introduce a new scripture) I will ask for three to four volunteers to recite the scripture.  If they can do it, they get a mini candy bar.  By the end of the month, hopefully everyone will have had a chance.  Kids who struggle with memory can go at the end of the month so they have more time.

Pop Quiz
Last year I did this a couple of times and it worked great.  This year, I think I'll do it every week.  During sacrament meeting, I wrote down a few questions about what the speakers said.  Then at the beginning of Sunday School, I asked the students those questions.  Correct answerers get a stick of gum, and everyone will learn to pay attention and remember the concepts taught in sacrament.

Review Game
Every three months or so, we have a review lesson in which we play a game like Jeopardy or Chalkboard Baseball.  Students have to answer questions about the material we've been discussing in class.  This is a big hit, and I've been pleased at how much more the students have retained.  To make this easy, I have a bunch of cards already cut to size, and at the end of the lesson, I just write a question and answer on one of the cards.  Then, when it is review time, everything is already prepared.


  1. thanks Nancy for the great tips to start the year.
    Is there a link to your scripture bookmark?
    I like to review as well - at the end of the lesson I ask for an
    "and thus we see" just to be sure they understood the message.

  2. awesome ideas! i think #2 it would work with any group...including the relief society and elders quorum!

  3. Hi Nancy, hope all is well with you and your family! Wanted you to know that I love your wonderful ideas and they work great! Was also wondering if you are having trouble with your web site? We can't get into some of your lessons. Thanks for all that you do!

    1. Raven, could you be more specific? Which links or lessons are not coming up, and from which page or post are you trying to get them? Thanks, Nancy

  4. How do you play chalkboard Baseball?

    1. Draw a diamond on the board with the bottom point as home plate, the right one as 1st base, the top as 2nd base, the left as 3rd base. Follow the general rules of baseball. Questions are like pitches, and correct answers are like hits. Kids answer questions for their team to move from one base to the next. When they get to home, they score a point for the team.


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